Can you take perfume on a plane in Australia?

A woman sitting on an airplane with a perfume in her hand

Published: Mar 04, 2024 • Last Updated: Mar 04, 2024

Can you take perfumes on domestic flights?

If you're travelling within Australia and via domestic terminals, there are no restrictions on carrying perfumes in carry-ons and checked-in baggage. You can carry full bottles and our 8ml vials without issues.

There are protocols however that you should follow on how to pack perfumes which we'll cover below.

Can you take perfumes on international flights?

First off, let's define what an international flight is legally speaking. You are taking an international flight, If your plane is

  • leaving Australia
  • transiting through Australia
  • departing from an international terminal (even if the flight is domestic)
  • on a domestic leg of an international flight, i.e. you are travelling from a local Airport to an international airport from where your plane will leave Australia

Under these circumstances, there are certain restrictions that apply to perfumes.

1. Restriction on carry-on baggage

In order to take perfume with you in carry-on baggage, the container must be no more than 100ml in size. Note that this applies to container not the juice so if you have a 200ml bottle with 50ml juice, you can't take that with you.

The perfume must be packed in a transparent, resealable plastic bag whose all sides add up to no more than 80cm. 20 x 20cm bags are easy to find in most stores.

Toiletries in a plastic bag
Credits: Veda Saraf

You are allowed to carry one such bag per person so put all your toiletries in this bag along with your perfume.

During security check, present this bag to the security officer along with your carry-on luggage. Don't make it hard to find or grab.

2. Restrictions on checked-in luggage

There are no limits for checked-in luggage. Cheers! 😀

Some things to keep in mind

If you are coming back to Australia and bringing perfume (your own or bought from another country), the authorities recommend you declare it to avoid any problems. Visit that link to see other items that you should also declare and some that are simply not allowed.

If you bought a perfume at a duty-free store, make sure its value remains under the permissible limits which is currently $900 at the time of this writing.

Security officers have the final say on whether the item will be allowed or not.


1. How to pack perfume for carry-on luggage?

Pack your perfume and other toiletries in a transparent, resealable plastic bag. The bag must be no larger than 80cm when you add up all the sides.

2. How much perfume can I take on a plane?

You can carry upto 100ml bottle of perfume in your carry-on. There are no limits on checked-in luggage.

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Photo of Preet Singh

Preet Singh

I have always been enamored by the power of perfumes to evoke emotions and capture memories. This profound love for fragrances led to the creation of ScentGod, a platform designed to allow everyone the luxury of discovering and wearing premium scents without the commitment of a full-sized purchase. My vision for ScentGod is more than just offering fragrances; it's about sharing passion, creating experiences, and helping people find their signature essence.

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